Confuser.Protections.HoLLy copied to clipboard
Extra protection modules for ConfuserEx
Extra protection modules for ConfuserEx.
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Anti Watermark
This protection removes the "ConfusedBy" attribute to prevent reverse engineers for identifying your assembly as obfuscated by ConfuserEx.
Id: anti watermark
FullId: HoLLy.AntiWatermark
Preset: Minimum
Fake Obfsucator
Adds a bunch of types to the module so de4dot will not be able to determine the correct obfuscator. This also has the side-effect of making de4dot freeze when deobfuscating (as of 2017-11-26).
Id: fake obfuscator
FullId: HoLLy.FakeObfuscator
Preset: Normal
Memory Protection
Hides the marked types from normal memory searching/editing.
Id: memory protection
FullId: HoLLy.MemoryProtection
Preset: None, on-demand only