Those are likely directories. Does the game work if you run it as normal from the commandline or if you manually create a .love file?
- Distribute a single file, about as easy as it gets for a user to run. - No need to install anything. (I definitely needed to install something one some...
The question in my mind is which version of glibc is used by whatever machine builds the AppImage, since that will determine compatibility of the resulting AppImage.
Did you try to run that game using a newer version of Löve? Also probably not a huge amount of work to port it to a recent version.
I tried my hand at a port last night and got it to work including the menu but it turns out the physics API changed so much that getting the...
Yes please! Not all button text is equal width...
I also noticed that DNT got auto-enabled all the time and finally tracked it down to privacy badger. The DNT setting is by default exposed to the user and privacy...