(Holloway) Chew, Kean Ho
(Holloway) Chew, Kean Ho
### Description Some packages pipelines do have known requirements (e.g. `rpm` and `flatpak` only serve `linux` target OS). Hence, it's best to implement at package registration level to significantly reduce...
### Description Based on Red Hat's RPM repository's engineering specification, it is possible to publish a flat rpm repository (no `repodata/`) directory (Referring: https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/10/07/whats-inside-rpm-repo-file). However, some minor manual patches is...
### Description Debian Repository Format Specification (https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format) specifies that it can recognize and implement flat repository format. This is very useful for GitHub/GitLab Release page. ### Expected Behavior `.deb` repository...
### Description Debian actually documented the repository format here: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format and reprepro tends to overcomplicate things so bad that it restricts everything from working efficiently. Hence, it's best we develop...
### Description There are times where the documents are the only thing to be released and not the packages themselves. Hence, it's best to split into 2 Jobs: 1. Release...
### Description A lot of package managers (notably `go` and `npm`) are using branch release strategy to manage different release version. Hence, we have to facilitate such development seamlessly. The...
### Description The Syncthing (https://docs.syncthing.net/) peer-to-peer network sharing application is quite commonly used in 2024 for decentralized networking. Unfortunately, it also introduces a bunch of its own hidden files that...