(Holloway) Chew, Kean Ho
(Holloway) Chew, Kean Ho
### Description Thanks to Google's Gemini Advanced, we can translate existing English to any other languages. Let's support this. ### Expected Behavior Language is available ### Current Behavior Language is...
### Description Thanks to Google's Gemini Advanced, we can translate existing English to any other languages. Let's support this. ### Expected Behavior Language is available ### Current Behavior Language is...
### Description Thanks to Google's Gemini Advanced, we can translate existing English to any other languages. Let's support this. ### Expected Behavior Language is available. ### Current Behavior Language is...
### Description Thanks to Google's Gemini Advanced, we can translate existing English to any other languages. Let's support this. ### Expected Behavior Language is available. ### Current Behavior Language is...
### Description Thanks to Google's Gemini Advanced, we can translate existing English to any other languages. Let's support this. ### Expected Behavior Language is available. ### Current Behavior Language is...
### Description Thanks to Google's Gemini Advanced, we can translate existing English to any other languages. Let's support this. ### Expected Behavior Language is available ### Current Behavior Language is...
### Description When the target OS/ARCH is having `any` value, the DEB packager refused to package (incompatible candidate). It's likely due to mishap in safety checking. ### Expected Behavior DEB...
### Description As noted here: ``` diff --git a/automataCI/_package-flatpak_windows-any.ps1 b/automataCI/_package-flatpak_windows-any.ps1 index 7a38b0e..766e8d5 100644 --- a/automataCI/_package-flatpak_windows-any.ps1 +++ b/automataCI/_package-flatpak_windows-any.ps1 @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ function PACKAGE-Run-FLATPAK { 10 { $null = I18N-Assemble-Skipped $null...
### Description due to missing `if: always()` condition in the Archive CI job. ### Expected Behavior Always archive regardless of result status. ### Current Behavior Only successful result will the...
### Description The current manual uploads for Collections repository (Warehouse Store) is very unforgiving and forgetful. It needs to be automated at the end of Release Job probably using GitHub...