ethfs copied to clipboard
EthFS: Ethereum File System
Uploading `IBMPlexMono-Regular.woff2` to mainnet was estimated at 0.3 eth in gas but only cost ~0.16 eth
For deterministic content, we can potentially offer "progressive precompiles" where, if content does not yet exist on the chain, it downgrades to a CCIP Read from the API.
can we deflate a file as a png? still requires some JS but could be small enough to bundle with the file read
Would be nice to offer an option to "upload compressed" but "decompress during read" instead of output gzip contents + script to gunzip in browser
File name: Bitcoin.txt File type: text/plain
e.g. 10kb chunks rather than 24kb chunks, to reduce gas-per-chunk (for easier crowdsourcing of uploads)
Hi, this is a very interesting idea! Are you interested in standardizing this as an EIP? I have a working version at , but happy to collaborate
Unclear that the file uploader window can be scrolled once you pick a file
I'm sure the filename-only global namespace will get cluttered very quickly. This should only need frontend+subgraph changes.