JavaOSC copied to clipboard
OSC content format/"protocol" library for JVM languages
_ ____ _____ _____
| | / __ \ / ____| / ____|
| | __ _ __ __ __ _ | | | || (___ | |
_ | | / _` |\ \ / // _` || | | | \___ \ | |
| |__| || (_| | \ V /| (_| || |__| | ____) || |____
\____/ \__,_| \_/ \__,_| \____/ |_____/ \_____|
What is this?
JavaOSC is primarily a library that gives JVM language programs the ability of serializing, parsing, sending and receiving data in the OSC content format. It is written in Java 8, and its only runtime dependency is a logging facade (SLF4J). It is also an OSGi (a dynamic module system for Java) bundle.
In a separate package, it also contains a sample GUI that allows to send OSC messages to SuperCollider.
Open Sound Control (OSC)
is a simple content format, although it is often though of as a protocol for the transmission of data over a network.
Application domains
- as a replacement for MIDI - a network-protocol for the exchange of musical control data between soft- and hardware, usually over a UDP/IP network
- in robotics - for communication between the parts of a robot, or multiple robots amongst each other
Its main strength is its simplicity.
How to
Get it
The latest release version of the library is available on GitHub for manual download or on Maven central
The latest development sources can be found on GithHub.
Run the Demo UI
... with SuperCollider
JavaOSC is not a standalone application, but designed to be used in other applications. Though there is a very basic application for demonstration purposes.
To run the demo app, make sure you have all parts packaged and installed:
mvn install
Then start the UI:
cd modules/ui
mvn exec:java
Next, launch SuperCollider (SC), open the file located in the
and load the synthdef into SuperCollider.
Start the SC local server.
In the JavaOSC Demo UI, click the "All On" button and start moving the sliders.
You should hear the sounds change.
To see what messages the UI is sending, run either the CNMAT dumpOSC
or turn on dumpOSC in SuperCollider.
... with PD
There is also a PureData patch created by Alexandre Quessy, available here.
To try the demo UI with PureData,
launch (this is important!) pd-extended and open the file
Turn down the volume a bit at first, as it might be very loud.
Click the "All On" button, and start moving the sliders.
You should hear the sounds change.
To see what messages the UI is sending, just look in the PD window or
in the terminal.
Use the library
The classes that deal with sending OSC data are located in the com.illposed.osc
The core classes are com.illposed.osc.transport.OSCPort{In, Out}
and com.illposed.osc.OSCBundle
The common way to use the library is to instantiate an OSCPort{In, Out}
connected to the receiving machine, and then call port.send(myPacket)
There are some associated JUnit tests, which also contain code that may illustrate
how to use the library.
They can be run with mvn test
Release a SNAPSHOT (devs only)
To release a development version to the Sonatype snapshot repository only:
# open a "private" shell, to not spill the changes in env vars
# set env vars
export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_8_HOME}"
# do the release
mvn clean deploy
# leave our "private" shell instance again
In the project you want to use the SNAPSHOT release, you need to add this to your pom.xml:
Release (devs only)
Prepare "target/" for the release process
mvn release:clean
Setup for signing the release
To be able to sign the release artifacts,
make sure you have a section in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
that looks like this:
This needs to match the `uid` as displayed by `gpg2 --list-keys`,
and needs to be XML escaped.
<gpg.keyname>Firstname Lastname (Comment) <[email protected]></gpg.keyname>
If you have not yet done so, generate and publish a key-pair. See the Sonatype guide for further details about how to work with GPG keys.
Prepare the release
# open a "private" shell, to not spill the changes in env vars
# set env vars
export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_8_HOME}"
# check if everything is in order
mvn \
clean \
package \
verify \
gpg:sign \
mvn release:clean
mvn \
-DdryRun=true \
# run the prepare phase for real
mvn release:clean
mvn \
-DdryRun=false \
# leave our "private" shell instance again
This does the following:
- Important for backwards compatibility: use the oldest possible JDK version to compile (currently 1.8)
- asks for the release and new snapshot versions to use (for all modules)
- packages
- signs with GPG
- commits
- tags
Perform the release (main part)
# open a "private" shell, to not spill the changes in env vars
# set env vars
export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_8_HOME}"
# perform the release
git push origin master <release-tag>
mvn release:perform
mvn deploy -P release
# leave our "private" shell instance again
This does the following:
- pushes to origin
- checks-out the release tag
- builds
- deploy into Sonatype staging repository
- promote it on Maven Central repository (may have a delay of up to 4h)
Thanks to John Thompson for writing the UI (demo application), Alexandre Quessy for the PD demo, and to Martin Kaltenbrunner and Alex Potsides for their contributions.