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Modern SD Card File System for Acorn 8-bit Machine (Master, Beeb, Electron)
MMFS - a modern SD Card solution for 8-bit Acorn Computers
MMFS is one of several ROMs that allow modern SD Cards to be used on a Beeb with minimal external hardware (others include the original SuperMMC, Steve Picton's TurboMMC and Duikkie's SmartSPI). MMFS was written by Martin Mather in 2012, but seems to have been forgotten about until it was rediscovered in 2015.
For more details on the release structures, see:
For binary releases, see:
For further documention see:
MMFS has the following features:
it's built from simple text source files (BeebASM), rather than patching existing binaries with BBC Basic programs
it's derived from Acorn DFS 2.x rather than Acorn DFS 0.9
the Master and Beeb/Electron SWRAM versions result in PAGE at &E00
it preserves the current drive on BREAK
it supports FAT32 (upto 8GB) as well as FAT16
I'm motivated to fix any bugs that people find!
Building MMFS is supported on Linux and MacOS. All dependent tools (BeebASM and mmb_utils) are included in the tools/ directory.
To build, run the script. The results will be in the build/ directory.
To do a release build, run the script. The results will be in the releases/ directory.
Original Interface Hardware
This is the original interface design, as conceived by Martin Mather in 2006.
A schematic of the original hardware can be found here:
The original hardware uses the following BBC User Port connections:
User Port SD Card (Master) (Slave) ========= ======= CB1/PB1 ==> S_CLK (Clock) CB2 <== S_MISO (Dout) PB0 ==> S_MOSI (Din) 0V ==> S_SEL (Select)
With this hardware, the 6522 shift register mode 2 can be used to provide high speed reads ("turbo reads"). This feature was introduced in MMFS 1.13.
TurboMMC Interface Hardware
A schematic of the TurboMMC hardware can be found here:
The TurboMMC hardware is a more complicated, as it uses PB[4:2] to control three buffers, providing two different operating modes.
When PB[4:2] are 010, then the hardware is configured as above, and the interface is compatible with the original hardware.
When PB[4:2] are 101, then the hardware is re-configured as:
User Port SD Card (Master) (Slave) ========= ======= CB1/PB1 ==> S_CLK (Clock) n/c <== S_MISO (Dout) CB2 ==> S_MOSI (Din) 0V ==> S_SEL (Select)
With this hardware, the 6522 shift register modes 2 and 6 can be used to provide high speed reads ("turbo reads") and high speed writes ("turbo writes") respectively. This feature was introduced in MMFS 1.15.