DearPyGui copied to clipboard
Viewport name and input fields don't properly support Latin extended
Version: 1.3.1 Operating System: Windows 10 21H1
Keyboard layout: CES (Czech QWERTZ) Code is saved with UTF-8 encoding.
My Issue/Question
Creating a viewport that uses Latin extended characters causes them to become messed up. Typing Latin extended characters into a text input field causes a similar issue, which doesn't appear when pasting the same range of characters or showing them as a default value.
To Reproduce
Create a viewport that uses Latin extended characters, or type Latin extended into a text input field. Pasting instead of typing into the input field does not trigger the issue.
Expected behavior
Latin extended characters appear correctly, like when shown in a text field.
- The first input uses a default value, the second input has the same characters typed.
- The text is to demonstrate the font range is bound correctly.
- The viewport uses the same default value.
Standalone, minimal, complete and verifiable example
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
test_text = "á č ď é ě í ň ó ř š ť ú ů ý ž Á Č Ď É Ě Í Ň Ó Ř Š Ť Ú Ů Ý Ž abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
with dpg.font_registry():
with dpg.font("UbuntuMono-R.ttf", 15) as font1:
dpg.add_font_range(0x0100, 0x017F)
with dpg.window(label="Input window", width=1000, height=500):
Ubuntu font can be downloaded here: The same issue can be observed with GNU Unifont (to prove it is not font-specific):
I can confirm this, Hungarian characters are garbled as well.
We will address this ASAP.
I my case there is nothing wrong with viewport title. But bug with input and Russian symbols I can confirm too.
Code is the same except two changes. First changes symbols to Russian:
# test_text = "á č ď é ě í ň ó ř š ť ú ů ý ž Á Č Ď É Ě Í Ň Ó Ř Š Ť Ú Ů Ý Ž abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
test_text = "а б в г д е ё ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ь ы ъ э ю я abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Second changes font range:
# dpg.add_font_range(0x0100, 0x017F)
For me I solve this problem using remapping with next code:
# remapping capital and small "ё"
dpg.add_char_remap(0xa8, 0x401)
dpg.add_char_remap(0xb8, 0x451)
# set counter value equal to utf8 code of Russian capital "А" with consequent remapping from "А" to "я"
utf = 0x410
for i in range(0xc0, 0x100):
dpg.add_char_remap(i, utf)
utf += 1