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camel-casing for postgres result field names



Changes the fieldnames of a query result from snake_case_nameing to camelCaseNaming. The module exposes two functions:

  • #inject(pg): changes the internals of pg to change the result as desribed. Also, it returns a function which can be called to revert this change
  • #camelCase(str): returns the string str converted to camel case


var pg = require('pg');
var pgCamelCase = require('pg-camelcase');
var revertCamelCase = pgCamelCase.inject(pg);

pg.connect(function(err, client, done){
    client.query('select 1 as "some_snake_case"', function(err, res){
        // should return all field names camel-cased
        assert.strictEqual(res.row[0].someSnakeCase, 1);

revertCamelCase(); // deactivate/revert the camel casing

pg.connect(function(err, client, done){
    client.query('select 1 as "some_snake_case"', function(err, res){
        // should not camel case anymore
        assert.strictEqual(res.row[0].some_snake_case, 1);


If you run npm test and

  • the environment variable TEST_PG_CONNECTION is set
  • pg or pg.js is installed

tests a running against an real server and the real result is checked. This should be the default for the tests on travis.