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Wish list for near future
Wish list:
- [ ] (Emma & Ivan) Display table counts of sequences (information currently in TSV files) on each variant page
- [ ] Related to ^ Figure out how to track the changes in table from run to run to show what changed
- [ ] (Ivan) Embed Nextstrain builds if possible on each variant page
- [ ] (Emma, consult with Ivan) Break down variants in plotting to show more exact variants (ex: 501Y.V1 and 501Y.V2 rather than S:N501)
- [x] (Ivan) URL remembering
- [ ] (Ivan & Emma for data format?) Switch between Smooth & Unsmoothed for per Cluster graphs
- [ ] (Emma) CoVariants logo
- [x] Mutations in tables by coloring (see
- [ ] (Emma) Add all mutations, not just defining ones (if possible - and up to cluster base)?
- [x] (Emma) Better refine how many countries plot by default on 'Per Variant' page
- [ ] (Emma & Ivan) Emma: Split out all mutation information into separate pages & port into appropriate variant pages. Ivan: Figure out if we can link to this info in NextClade so people can learn about a mutation their sequence has! (idea link: