tried also with pushing the button when inserting. Nothing different.
Still getting errors when trying to flash. it seems not working ok. How to deal with it to get it working ok?
ever came up with a solution on this? Looking for a something similar too.
For now I have found a solution that seems to work. using on. load instead of on .scroll But I am not sure how this will turn out site width....
Ok, this works but might have created an other problem. On other pages the items, with aos applied do not appear at all. Only after changing the page size a...
Could I have depending on a @media the AOS.init query loading different functions? So when very large screen I want on- load and when smaller screens I want to have...
Would this work? //AOS on-load or on-scroll depending on viewport large screen (min-width: 1900px) ``` // Create a media condition that targets viewports at least 1900px wide const mediaQuery =...
This seems to work. ``` //AOS on-load or on-scroll depending on viewport large screen (min-width: 1900px) const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 1900px)') // Check if the media query is true if...
Well still seems to give problems in Firefox. Parts of the page are not activated (loaded). Any ideas how to get this better working? Thanks. on-scroll works for small screens...
> @maganius Sounds like a problem with your Node setup. > > But if you wanna try, I have a gist using the standard Intersection Observer API here you can...