Sebastian Raff

Results 222 comments of Sebastian Raff

@hyteoo Should be fixed with 0.16.1

That's because I secured the node-red-contrib-zigbee API with Node-RED Authentication - and because I didn't look into if/how it's possible to hand over the auth token to a new window....

Currently node-red-contrib-zigbee doesn't keep a cache of current states, so you have to write them into the context.

> You wrote "currently". Is this going to change? I'm thinking about it :-) > But lamps are routers. They should be able to send and receive data. And they...

> I get `19.10.2019, 16:33:44 node: command msg : string[26] "attributes is not iterable"` when triggered from a Flow., In the setup of the node it answers correctly does the...

> Yes I did in various combinations, but also tried to without. In the meantime I think my misconception was that I could predefine the complete query in the command...

can confirm that this is a bug:

with the write cmd it should work like this (you have to convert the hex values) ![image]( Using a zigbee2mqtt-style payload (`{"sensitivity":"high"`) can only work with the converter node, the...