Hoang Do
Hoang Do
Can I pick this up ?
@ValarDragon I think we need AST for this as grep `Slice` and `Sort` will not be sufficient. What do you think ?
@pysel there will always be 95 times in 200 retries that CompareBigDec will not be in range of tolerance with ErrTolerance MultiplicativeTolerance set to SmallestDec, at least that's for my...
Can I work on this issue sir ?
Can I work on this one sir @colin-axner
I merged my PR. This should be okay now.
@ryanchristo Can you provide the message that you use so I can help you with that ?
@Zetazzz hey, do you want to discuss on how we will implement this ? I can't reach to you through discord so tagging you here.