Harish Narayanan
Harish Narayanan
At the moment it is minified (which it needn't be for http2) and has been built with god-knows-what settings from https://highlightjs.org/download/. Secondly, the corresponding CSS also needs to be fetched...
This is because there appear to be web spiders(?) and old versions of the site out there(?) that are referring to these obsolete URLs. Maybe they could be forwarded with...
At the moment I just run things like the following by hand. It needs to be placed somewhere systematic. ``` dot -Tsvg neural-network.dot -o neural-network.svg ```
This could similarly apply to research project thumbnails where the metadata is things like the topics discussed.
At the moment there are two different grid systems going on in the base template, and this is apparent when one slowly reduces the width of a page with pictures....
This is particularly interesting for long articles when on mobile. As of today there is a small margin that serves as unnecessary chrome.
If all talks are going to be uploaded to a site like https://speakerdeck.com, then perhaps they can be embedded alongside research articles.
Articles in the writing section have both categories and tags. These are not surfaced anywhere in the UI today. Once there are more articles in this section, it will make...
I've taken a ton of courses, both in graduate school and online thereafter. Some of these were mediocre but some of these were truly spectacular. Maybe these need to be...
At the moment, files like favicon.ico, apple-touch-icon.png, tile.png are taken straight from https://html5boilerplate.com. They need to be replaced with something more consistent with the branding of the site.