Hoang Manh Phu
Hoang Manh Phu
Hi, I had an issue with `getCurrentUrl` function in `core/url` model. It could not get the current URL in ESI request. I found that the code in [Esi.php#L294](https://github.com/nexcess/magento-turpentine/blob/e3577315cdd8fb35b1bff812d2cf1b61e1b76c13/app/code/community/Nexcessnet/Turpentine/Model/Observer/Esi.php#L294) only set...
Hi, I turned on the `php_slow_log` and see that the function bellow take very long running time. I tried to move `$layout->getUpdate()` outside the loop using a variable but it...
I added `modman` file to support [https://github.com/colinmollenhour/modman](modman)