jenny copied to clipboard
gawk regexp escape sequence is not a known regexp operator
fresh install from master branch:
$ jenny
[jenny] Sourced .blogrc
[jenny] Generating main index
[jenny] ☶ 2020-03-13
gawk: ~/.local/share/jenny/lib/md2html.awk:30: warning: regexp escape sequence `\!' is not a known regexp operator
gawk: ~/.local/share/jenny/lib/md2html.awk:109: warning: regexp escape sequence `\"' is not a known regexp operator
$ awk --version
GNU Awk 5.0.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.2.0)
I'm not able to replicate this, on the same version of gawk. Let me know if this issue persists (I know it's been over a year!).
Found it, it is an incompatibility with gawk 5.0.1, similar discovery here:
Temporary fix is to downgrade to gawk 4.x.x. Contemplating whether I should vendor in a different script like Gruber's (thus breaking older jenny sites), or simply update this one.