RosHTTP copied to clipboard
Scala.js 1.0.0
Hi, I am currently migrating my stuff to ScalaJS 1.0.0-M3 Some libraries, such as utest already provide support for the upcoming major version:
Unfortunately I need to switch to some other library in order to get 1.x support. Are you possibly planning on enabling 1.x support any time soon?
Thanks for your work so far!
Hi, This should not be a problem unless some dependency isn't compatible. Have you tried building RösHTTP with the proper ScalaJS version? You could submit a PR and we'll see if anything breaks.
Dear devs,
any release of a version supporting scalajs 1.0 on sight?
Cheers, Romain
I am not actively working on this project currently. Happy to help if you submit a PR though.
Hi, I submitted a the #90 PR to move to scala 2.13 and scalajs 1.0. Scala 2.10 and 2.11 have been dropped. Mathieu
Thanks @mathieuleclaire . I really mean to spend the time to fix the CI setup, but this is a huge pain in the ass, and I am not working on anything Scala at this time.
Feel free to give it a shot, otherwise it's going to be whenever I can finally deal with it.
OK, I will try. But first, the tests themselves failed in sbt. I would need some information to debug:
- for the JS part, "http" is not found. It seems that the "http" js module is not found for some reason.
- for the JVM tests for instance, it fails because the connection is refused with the server (http://localhost:3000). Am I supposed to run any server before executing tests ?
Yes, there is a companion server to run alongside the tests on localhost. It's all explained in
Yes, thanks. I found it. 51 passed. 1 Failure for the JVM.
[info] X fr.hmil.roshttp.HttpRequestSpec.Request headers.Overwrite previous value when set 1ms
[info] java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: ==> assertion failed: accept: application/json
[info] custom: barbar
[info] cache-control: max-age=128 != Map(cache-control -> max-age=128, Custom -> barbar, Accept -> application/json)
[info] scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:282)
[info] utest.asserts.Asserts$ArrowAssert.$eq$eq$greater(Asserts.scala:90)
[info] fr.hmil.roshttp.HttpRequestSpec$.$anonfun$tests$95(HttpRequestSpec.scala:439)
Update: in the PR #90,
- all libs are updated across scala 2.13 (2.10 and 2.11 are droped) and scala.js 1.0
- travis is updated
- all the scalastyle tests passed
- all the JVM tests passed.
But I still have the same error for the JS tests:
ReferenceError: http is not defined
I think it is just a scala-js trick but I don't know how to achieve this. Is a js dependency missing ? Peharp's @hmil or @sjrd, you would have an idea ?
Probably the changes about the global scope in Scala.js 1.x. See the release notes at
It seems the node.js dependency is missing. Only the scalajs compilation js is provided in tests and not node.js that the js.native functions are suppose to call.
Version 3.0.0 should work with Scala.js 1.x. Let me know if there's a problem.