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A golang generic graph library that provides mathematical graph-theory and algorithms.

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golang generic graph package

GoGraph is a lightweight, efficient, and easy-to-use graph data structure implementation written in Go. It provides a versatile framework for representing graphs and performing various operations on them, making it ideal for both educational purposes and practical applications.

Table of Contents


Use go get command to get the latest version of the gograph:

go get github.com/hmdsefi/gograph

Then you can use import the gograph to your code:

package main

import "github.com/hmdsefi/gograph"

How to Use


gograph contains the Graph[T comparable] interface that provides all needed APIs to manage a graph. All the supported graph types in gograph library implemented this interface.

type Graph[T comparable] interface {

AddEdge(from, to *Vertex[T], options ...EdgeOptionFunc) (*Edge[T], error)
GetAllEdges(from, to *Vertex[T]) []*Edge[T]
GetEdge(from, to *Vertex[T]) *Edge[T]
EdgesOf(v *Vertex[T]) []*Edge[T]
RemoveEdges(edges ...*Edge[T])
AddVertexByLabel(label T, options ...VertexOptionFunc) *Vertex[T]
AddVertex(v *Vertex[T])
GetVertexByID(label T) *Vertex[T]
GetAllVerticesByID(label ...T) []*Vertex[T]
GetAllVertices() []*Vertex[T]
RemoveVertices(vertices ...*Vertex[T])
ContainsEdge(from, to *Vertex[T]) bool
ContainsVertex(v *Vertex[T]) bool

The generic type of the T in Graph interface represents the vertex label. The type of T should be comparable. You cannot use slices and function types for T.



graph := New[int](gograph.Directed())

graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(1), gograph.NewVertex(2))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(1), gograph.NewVertex(3))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(2), gograph.NewVertex(2))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(3), gograph.NewVertex(4))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(4), gograph.NewVertex(5))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(5), gograph.NewVertex(6))



graph := New[int](gograph.Directed())

graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(1), gograph.NewVertex(2))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(2), gograph.NewVertex(3))
_, err := graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex(3), gograph.NewVertex(1))
if err != nil {
// do something



// by default graph is undirected
graph := New[string]()

graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex("A"), gograph.NewVertex("B"))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex("A"), gograph.NewVertex("D"))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex("B"), gograph.NewVertex("C"))
graph.AddEdge(gograph.NewVertex("B"), gograph.NewVertex("D"))



graph := New[string]()

vA := gograph.AddVertexByLabel("A")
vB := gograph.AddVertexByLabel("B")
vC := gograph.AddVertexByLabel("C")
vD := gograph.AddVertexByLabel("D")

graph.AddEdge(vA, vB, gograph.WithEdgeWeight(4))
graph.AddEdge(vA, vD, gograph.WithEdgeWeight(3))
graph.AddEdge(vB, vC, gograph.WithEdgeWeight(3))
graph.AddEdge(vB, vD, gograph.WithEdgeWeight(1))
graph.AddEdge(vC, vD, gograph.WithEdgeWeight(2))


graph := New[string]()
vA := gograph.AddVertexByLabel("A", gograph.WithVertexWeight(3))
vB := gograph.AddVertexByLabel("B", gograph.WithVertexWeight(2))
vC := gograph.AddVertexByLabel("C", gograph.WithVertexWeight(4))

graph.AddEdge(vA, vB)
graph.AddEdge(vB, vC)


Traverse package provides the iterator interface that guarantees all the algorithm export the same APIs:

type Iterator[T comparable] interface {
	HasNext() bool
	Next() *gograph.Vertex[T]
	Iterate(func(v *gograph.Vertex[T]) error) error

This package contains the following iterators:


Apache License, please see LICENSE for details.