document-management-store-app copied to clipboard
Spring Boot Application to store Documents
Document Management Store App
Document Management is a backend service to store and retrieve documents.
It uses:
- Java
- Spring boot
- Junit, Mockito and SpringBootTest and Powermockito
- Gradle
- lombok project - Lombok project
- lombok plugin - Lombok IDEA plugin
Environment variables
The following environment variables are required:
Name | Default | Description |
IDAM_USER_BASE_URI | - | Base URL for IdAM's User API service (idam-app). http://localhost:4501 for the dockerised local instance or tunneled dev instance. |
IDAM_S2S_BASE_URI | - | Base URL for IdAM's S2S API service (service-auth-provider). http://localhost:4502 for the dockerised local instance or tunneled dev instance. |
MAX_FILE_SIZE | 100MB | Max file size |
Note: The MAX_FILE_SIZE enforces limit on the document upload in the document management backend service. Additionally, the max request content length (including file sizes) need to be configured for the IIS web server (on Azure) via maxAllowedContentLength property for request filter in web.config (config file within source repository).
# Get the connection string for Azure Blob Store and put it in place of getOneFromPortalAzure in application.yaml
# Do not commit it!!!
connection-string: ${STORAGEACCOUNT_PRIMARY_CONNECTION_STRING:getOneFromPortalAzure}
# Cloning repo and running though docker
git clone
cd document-management-store-app/
az login
az acr login --name hmctspublic && az acr login --name hmctsprivate
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
#Run below script to create the Batch related tables for local set up ONLY
# Run application
./gradlew bootRun
There is currently a Java Client available here:
Swagger UI
To view our REST API go to http://{HOST}/swagger-ui/index.html On local machine with server up and running, link to swagger is as below
http://localhost:4603/swagger-ui/index.html if running on AAT, replace localhost with ingressHost data inside values.yaml class in the necessary component, making sure port number is also removed.
API Endpoints
A list of our endpoints can be found here
Functional Tests
To use the functional tests locally for large .mp4 and .doc files please first download them from here : Large Files and place them under your resources folder document-management-store-app/src/functionalTest/resources This would make them available to be used in the Functional Test -
MV1 (R1) As authenticated user I should not be able to upload files that exceed permitted sizes
- Ensure the @Pending annotation is removed before running the test locally.
- Revert your changes after tests are run as these are for running the above F-Test on local only.
Contract Tests (Pact)
For Executing the contract provider test execute
./gradlew contractTest
For Publishing the verification results to broker execute
./gradlew runProviderPactVerification