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What is BegIdx and NbElement meaning?
Can't find documentation for these arguments, can somebody help me and describe them?
If you think about it a little bit, you would see that the numbers add up to the total sequence. There is some lag to some indicators so the first possible candle that could be a match might be several bars in. The same at the end I suppose. So these are offsets to let you figure out how to relate it to the bar from the calling sequence of hlocv data.
` public static async Task<List<DateTime>> GetCandleStickType(string ticker, int ticks) { await using var context1 = new Context();
var quoteList = context1.QuoteDatas
.Where(t => t.Symbol == ticker)
.OrderByDescending(d => d.QuoteDate)
var open = quoteList.Select(o => o.OpenPrice).ToArray();
var high = quoteList.Select(h => h.HighPrice).ToArray();
var low = quoteList.Select(l => l.LowPrice).ToArray();
var close = quoteList.Select(c => c.ClosePrice).ToArray();
var resultArrayDoji = new int[quoteList.Count - 1];
_ = TALib.Core.CdlEngulfing(open, high, low, close, 0, quoteList.Count - 1,
resultArrayDoji, out var begIndex, out var nbElement);
var dojiList = new List<DateTime>();
var i = 0;
foreach (var entry in resultArrayDoji)
if (entry != 0 && quoteList[i + begIndex].ClosePrice > quoteList[i + begIndex].OpenPrice)
dojiList.Add(quoteList[i + begIndex].QuoteDate);
return dojiList;