webview_cef copied to clipboard
m1 sonoma 14.1.2
I ran it according to the guide method, but it doesn't work.
ref. https://github.com/hlwhl/webview_cef/issues/27
root project
pebspec.yaml webview_cef: path: ./packages/webview_cef
./packages/webview_cef/macos/webview_cef.podspec .... s.vendored_frameworks = 'third/cef/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework' s.vendored_libraries = 'third/cef/cef_sandbox.a'
packages/webview_cef/macos/third/cef dir
Recently, my team has also encountered a similar problem. After adapting Flutter to a new version of MacOS on the ARM platform, it is unable to properly parse the general version of the prebuilt package. Try upgrading Flutter to the latest stable version and selecting the ARM version of the prebuilt package may solve the problem. @JeongEunSeong