portmap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
portmap copied to clipboard

:traffic_light: Port mapping library for Go supporting NAT-PMP and UPnP

NAT Port Mapping Library for Go

godocs.io Build status No modules 100% modules-free.


import "github.com/hlandau/portmap"
import "fmt"

func Example() {
  m, err := portmap.New(portmap.Config{
    Protocol:     portmap.TCP,
    Name:         "http",
    InternalPort:  80,
    ExternalPort:  80,
  if err != nil {
    // ...

  for {
    // mapping may change over time
    fmt.Printf("Current mapped address is: %s\n", m.ExternalAddr())

  // mapping will be renewed automatically
  // call m.Delete() when mapping should be torn down