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CH Core Implementation Guide (FHIR)

CH Core Implementation Guide (R4)

Core FHIR profiles for Switzerland

Building the Implementation Guide

You can build the Implementation Guide with the IG Publisher.

  • For building the Implementation Guide you need to install Jekyll.

  • Clone this repository and change into its main directory.

  • Download the latest version of IG Publisher:

wget -O publisher.jar
  • Build the Implementation Guide:
java -Xms3550m -Xmx3550m -jar publisher.jar -ig ig.ini

Validate a Resource

If you are in the main directory of the Implementation Guide you can check your example against the specification of this IG with the Validator.

  • Download the latest version of Validator:
wget -O validator_cli.jar
  • Validate the resource against a profile (e.g. ch-core-patient):
java -jar validator_cli.jar [file path] -version 4.0.1 -ig output -profile

Validating without Building the IG

If you do not want to build the IG locally, you can validate your example against the Implementation Guide with the Validator as follows:

  • Download the latest version of Validator:
wget -O validator_cli.jar
  • Validate the resource:
java -jar validator_cli.jar [file path] -version 4.0.1 -ig -profile

In case the current published IG (#current) is not found, replace #current with the current version (e.g. #1.0.0) of the published IG (