LiDAR_IMU_Init copied to clipboard
help please!!! How to use "LiDAR_IMU_Init" to init my own data?
I am a beginner, if you by pass, please take a look, many thanks! I want to use FAST_LIO, but first I have to calibrate time. lidar:livox mid-70 IMU:wit JY901B
I followed the readme to operate step by step, But there didn't have any results or error. Here is my operation process. Please help to check which step went wrong! Thanks a lot!
- start lidar
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar.launch
- start imu
roslaunch wit_ros_imu wit_imu.launch
- to verify if data can be recieved
rostopic echo /livox/lidar
rostopic echo /wit/imu
- record a rosbag
rosbag record -o my_livox_wit.bag /livox/lidar /wit/imu
- modify livox_wit_test.launch
- modify wit_test.yaml
- start lidar_imu_init
roslaunch lidar_imu_init livox_wit_test.launch
- another terminal rosbag play
The points:
rviz didn't show anything
terminal didn't show any error
The questions:
Initialization_result.txt didn't have anything!
I don't know how to do, please help me, many thanks!!! @zfc-zfc @Taeyoung96 @UAVlover