Wave icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Wave copied to clipboard

802.11 IDS, visualizer, and analytics platform for the web


Wave is an 802.11 intrusion detection system, visualizer, and analytics platform. Wireless data is sent from collectors to Wave where it is analysed by various engines.


You'll need npm, go, and docker-compose available.

Installing dependencies

Install reflex, forego, and go-bindata, run make embed-assets, go get -t, and npm install.

make deps

Start instance

Start postgres and an auto-rebuilding instance of Wave.

make develop

Running tests

Run go test ./... -cover and npm test.

make test


  • collector: go application to sniff 802.11 frames and send them to Wave via websocket
  • gin: web framework
  • gorilla/websocket: websocket library
  • gorm: ORM for go used for postgres
  • postgres: storage of persistent data