Helen Kershaw

Results 182 comments of Helen Kershaw

same or different qty? ``` 'T', 'QTY_POTENTIAL_TEMPERATURE', 'TYPE_T', 'UPDATE','999', 'T2', 'QTY_TEMPERATURE', 'TYPE_T2', 'UPDATE','999', 'TH2', 'QTY_POTENTIAL_TEMPERATURE', 'TYPE_TH2','UPDATE','999', ```


> @mjs2369 > > https://github.com/hkershaw-brown/DART/tree/wrf-refactor is the initial attempt, having a go at updating the wrf model_mod. It is essentially my notes about the code. I plopped it on my...

I don't think clamp_or_fail is used: https://github.com/NCAR/DART/blob/52e6e45f8f6ff07a90227766c8de72f1474162f2/models/wrf/model_mod.f90#L343 https://github.com/search?q=repo%3ANCAR%2FDART%20clamp_or_fail&type=code clamp_or_fail not passed to state structure No fail in `clamp_variable` https://github.com/NCAR/DART/blob/52e6e45f8f6ff07a90227766c8de72f1474162f2/assimilation_code/modules/io/direct_netcdf_mod.f90#L1448-L1534

Todo Follow up on wrf 4 hybrid vertical coordinate https://github.com/nancycollins/dart_dev_archive/commit/c28a6e82f0a7775f2075555ab84ea32668676adf ``` function model_rho_t_distrib(i,j,k,id,state_handle, ens_size) ... ! now calculate rho = - mu / dphi/deta model_rho_t_distrib(:) = - (wrf%dom(id)%mub(i,j)+x_imu) / ph_e...

Hi @braczka I'm moving your comment to a new issue, running DART with wrf 4+

- [ ] interpolate from 3D fields if 2M field is not in the state? 3D(:,:,1) == 2M ? , 3D(:,:,1) ~= 2M ?, 3D(:,:,1) != 2M ?

> obs_utilities: > > https://github.com/NCAR/DART/issues/129 > >should these get built when you build model/work or observation_converter/work (or both). These utilities are hidden at the moment. Edit #129 was fixed in...

Hi Brett, this could be a bug in how dart reads the state, e.g if some variables have unlimited and some don't, this would cause the counts length = 0...

Hi Brett, I think what is going on here: Assumptions in direct_netcdf_mod.f90: * If there is an unlimited dimension, every variable has the unlimited dimension. * The unlimited dimension is...