Hartmut Kaiser

Results 58 issues of Hartmut Kaiser

Running the following code on 4 localities returns `list(30, 60)` which is wrong: ``` define( test, size, block( define( array1, random_d( list(size, size) ) ), define( array2, random_d( list(size, size)...

type: defect
category: primitives
category: distributed

Fixes #1315

type: compatibility issue
type: enhancement
category: primitives
category: PhySL

Currently the `__physlcache__` is generated for the top-level Python module only. This causes the cache not to be regenerated if one of the imported modules is updated. We should make...

type: enhancement
type: feature request
category: @Phylanx

- flyby: adding sleep primitive

type: compatibility issue
type: enhancement
category: primitives
category: @Phylanx

category: CMake
category: tests
type: enhancement

The following code fails to compile by throwing an exception: ``` @Phylanx def foo(): return (lambda: True)() foo() ``` The exception thrown is: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File...

type: defect
category: @Phylanx

- flyby: rename phyname and phytype

type: enhancement
category: primitives

@hkaiser If I write the code this way it doesn't work properly: ``` auto decoded_dense = phylanx::execution_tree::extract_numeric_value(*it++); auto log_prob = phylanx::execution_tree::extract_numeric_value(*it); HPX_TEST_EQ( phylanx::ir::node_data(std::move(expected_decoded_dense)), decoded_dense); HPX_TEST( allclose(phylanx::ir::node_data(std::move(expected_log_prob)), log_prob)); ``` but if...

category: tests
type: defect

We miss a lot of functionality in this domain: - [x] advanced integer slicing (extraction) for 2d and 3d arrays (#876) - [ ] advanced integer slicing (assignment) for 2d...

type: compatibility issue
type: feature request
submodule: backend
category: primitives

The distributed define_variable test is currently disabled (https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/phylanx/blob/master/tests/unit/distributed/CMakeLists.txt#L8) as the corresponding functionality is broken. This is to remind ourselves to fix the underlying issue.

category: tests
type: defect