car_detection_counting icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
car_detection_counting copied to clipboard

car detection and counting based on frame difference. 车辆检测与车流量统计



An algorithm for car detection and counting, which is based on frame difference. Demo video can be found here



  • C++
  • OpenCV3.0


The path of video can be set in "test.cpp"."E:\traffic\苏交科视频\无人机\无人机2\视频\9.MP4");

Also, the number and position of counting lines can be set in "test.cpp".

pair<double, double> downOutStart(0.43, 0.75);
pair<double, double> downOutEnd(0.455, 0.75);
crossingLineColor.push_back(Scalar(rand() % 255, rand() % 255, rand() & 255));

Debug, show intermediate result, save result.

#define SHOW_FLAG true
#define DEBUG_BY_STEP false
#define SAVE_VIDEO false

Adjust parameters to handle videos with different view, resolution. The parameters can be set in "Blob.h".

const int minBlobArea = 100;                     // min area of an object
const int maxBlobArea = 10000;                   // max area of an object
const int minBlobWidth = 10;                     // min width
const int maxBlobWidth = 150;                    // max width
const int minBlobheight = 10;                    // min height
const int maxBlobheight = 150;                   // max height
const int minBlobDiagonal = 10;                  // min diagonal
const int maxBlobDiagonal = 150;                 // max diagonal
const int maxBlobNum = 500;        // max number of objects in a frame, if a frame contains too many objeects, it may be a noisy frame
const double minBlobRatio = 0.2;                 // min ratio of width and height
const double maxBlobRatio = 4;                   // max ratio of width and height
// bounding coefficient is used to get ROI. Objects which are not in ROI will not be detected. For example, if leftBoundingCoefficient = 0.1 and the width of a frame is 1080, then the left bounding of ROI start from 1080 * 0.1 = 108. Default value means ROI is the whole frame.
const double leftBoundingCoefficient = 0;      
const double rightBoundingCoefficient = 1;
const double upBoundingCoefficient = 0;
const double bottomBoundingCoefficient = 1;
const double IOUThreshold = 0.7; 
// resize coefficient is used to resize frame. If resize width coefficient = 0.5 and the width of a frame is 1080, then the width of the frame will be resized to 1080 * 0.5 = 540. Resize to a smaller frame can avoid some noise and increase the speed of our algorithm. Default value means no resize.
const double resizeHeightCoefficient = 1;  
const double resizeWidthCoefficient = 1;