Hilary James Oliver
Hilary James Oliver
> When triggering historical tasks I think it would sometimes act like a new flow and sometimes not (depending on whether you had previously triggered a flow on a branch...
> The final task to run might have been a new flow on an isolated branch Yes, but if you manually triggered the next task before shutdown - while that...
OK, removing the "question" label, we'll go with "most recent previous flow" for the reasons discussed.
Well done, good to have that info laid out in full :+1: > Main takeaway is that prereqs and outputs can't be changed by a reload. Worth pointing out, for...
What should be preserved: - any attribute that relates to the history of this particular task proxy (jobs, submit number etc.) What should be reloaded: - everything else Any exceptions...
Just realized I didn't comment on @dpmatthews suggestions at the top. I like the reload suggestions :+1: And I particularly like the restart idea: always restart with the pre-restart config,...
Did you mean to remove `cylc/flow/data_messages_pb2.py` ?
> Did it work at Cylc 7? (I checked that it didn't work back to 8.0b1, but didn't try Cylc 7) > Should we expect +PT1H/T00 to work? I don't...
Checked Cylc 7.9.6 - same result. Any idea who wrote this section of the tutorial?
Looks like the prompt is messing with some functional tests: ``` This workflow was previously run with Cylc 8.0rc1.dev0. This is Cylc 8.1.0.dev. Are you sure you want to upgrade...