mqtt-cli copied to clipboard
MQTT CLI is a useful command line interface for connecting various MQTT clients supporting MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.1
MQTT Command Line Interface
MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.1 compatible and feature-rich MQTT Command Line Interface
A detailed documentation can be found here
- All MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5.0 features are supported
- interactive, direct and verbose Mode for all MQTT Commands
- Shell behavior with Syntax Highlighting, Command completion and history
- Configurable default settings
- Ability to connect various MQTT Clients to different brokers simultaneously
- Quick broker tests
- Export information from HiveMQ API endpoints
- Various distributions available
At least Java 8 is required to run MqttCLI.
The simplest way to start the MQTT CLI is typing:
$ mqtt
See also:
mqtt --help
Download latest MQTT CLI package
Packages for Linux, Mac OS and Windows can be found here: Installation/Packages!
Building from source
To do a clean build, issue the following command:
$ ./gradlew clean build
This runs the unit tests and compiles a new mqtt-cli-
The build.gradle
file contains further instructions for building the platform specific distribution packages.
In a nutshell:
For MacOS/Linux brew:
$ ./gradlew buildBrewFormula
For the Debian package:
$ ./gradlew buildDebianPackage
For the RPM package:
$ ./gradlew buildRpmPackage
For the Windows installer:
$ ./gradlew buildWindowsZip
Command | Explanation |
mqtt sub -t topic |
Subscribe to a topic on default settings and block the console. |
mqtt sub -t test1 -t test2 |
Subscribe to the topics test1 and test2 on default settings and block the console. |
mqtt sub -t test -h localhost -p 1884 |
Subscribe to topic test at localhost:1884. |
See also mqtt sub --help
Command | Explanation |
mqtt pub -t test -m "Hello" |
Publish the message "Hello" to the test topics with the default settings |
mqtt pub -t test1 -t test2 -m "Hello Tests" |
Publish the message "Hello Tests" on both test topics with the default settings |
mqtt pub -t test -m "Hello" -h localhost -p 1884 |
Publish the message "Hello" on localhost:1884 |
See also mqtt pub --help
- If interacting with several clients, using different contexts and publishing and subscribing with them in various ways, the shell mode with further sub commands is useful.
$ mqtt shell
The Shell-Mode is based around a client context driven use case. Therefore methods like Connect and Disconnect switch the current context of the shell and commands like Publish and Subscribe always relate to the currently active client context.
mqtt shell # starts the shell
mqtt> con -i myClient # connect client with identifier
myClient> pub -t test -m msg # publish with new context client
myClient> dis # disconnect and remove context
mqtt> ...
In Shell-Mode the following Commands are available without an active context:
- con, connect Connect an MQTT client
- dis, disconnect Disconnect an MQTT client
- switch Switch the current context
- ls List all connected clients with their respective identifiers
- cls, clear Clear the screen
- exit
When connected you are switched to the context mode. In context mode all MQTT commands relate to the currently active client.
The following Commands are available with an active context:
- pub, publish Publish a message to a list of topics
- sub, subscribe Subscribe this MQTT client to a list of topics
- unsub, unsubscribe Unsubscribe this MQTT client from a list of topics
- dis, disconnect Disconnect this MQTT client
- switch Switch the current context
- ls, list List all connected clients with their respective identifieres
- cls, clear Clear the screen
- exit Exit the current context
The test command runs various tests against the specified broker to find out its features and limitations. By default the test command will use MQTT 3 clients to test the broker first and will afterwards check the connect restrictions returned by a connect of a MQTT 5 client. You can alter this behavior by specifying different options when using the command.
Test the public HiveMQ broker:
$ mqtt test -h
- Maximum topic length: 65535 bytes
- QoS 0: Received 10/10 publishes in 25,74ms
- QoS 1: Received 10/10 publishes in 26,27ms
- QoS 2: Received 10/10 publishes in 70,01ms
- Retain: OK
- Wildcard subscriptions: OK
- Shared subscriptions: OK
- Payload size: >= 100000 bytes
- Maximum client id length: 65535 bytes
- Unsupported Ascii Chars: ALL SUPPORTED
- Connect restrictions:
> Retain: OK
> Wildcard subscriptions: OK
> Shared subscriptions: OK
> Subscription identifiers: OK
> Maximum QoS: 2
> Receive maximum: 10
> Maximum packet size: 268435460 bytes
> Topic alias maximum: 5
> Session expiry interval: Client-based
> Server keep alive: Client-based
The HiveMQ command line argument offers various HiveMQ specific commands.
Show all available commands:
$ mqtt hivemq
The export command of the HiveMQ command line offers a set of commands to export various resources from a HiveMQ API endpoint.
$ mqtt hivemq export
Export client details from a HiveMQ node via the export clients command.
$ mqtt hivemq export clients
Please refer to the detailed documentation MQTT CLI Documentation for more examples and complete command descriptions.
Semantic Versioning is used.