Look at the upper menu - Typeset (2nd) tab - Style tweaks - In-page footnotes.
I think we can remove https://github.com/koreader/koreader/blob/38a14ff3a070d0d31d9d7d369863d0af5390ae16/frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua#L177 and let the setting from cr3.ini affect all books.
The main inconvenience of settings.reader.lua is that it cannot be edited by our text editor.
In the Help menu (last tab) there is an item "Report a bug" that mentions and shows the path to crash.log. Maybe place "Verbose log" next to it?
Can you try upper menu - 1st tab - Settings - Classic mode settings - check Shrink item font size to fit more text. Are they truncated?
That's true, no such setting. I proposed the way of avoiding truncated filenames if they are not extremely long.
Thank you, I see now. Implementing Mosaic/Detailed list modes in search results is not an easy task. But some solution should be found, agree. Another approach is also under consideration:...
I cannot find a bright idea to display more book information in the search results list yet.
With the latest changes (https://github.com/koreader/koreader/pull/11404) you can see the book title and authors in the popup dialog called by a tap on a search result item.
How do you start highlighting/selecting in that corner areas?