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bpf(2)-based ftrace(1) like function call graph for Go
go-ftrace is an bpf(2)-based ftrace(1)-like function graph tracer for Golang processes.
Limits: for now, only support following cases
- OS: Linux, with support for bpf(2) and uprobe
- Arch: x86-64 little endian
- Binary: go ELF executable, non-stripped, built with non-PIE mode, ELF sections .symtab, .(z)debug_info are required
provide two examples to show how to use go-ftrace.
Trace functions
Check examples/trace_funcs
, try following tracing tests:
example: trace a specific function: "main.add":
ftrace -u main.add ./main
example: trace all functions like main.add*:
ftrace -u 'main.add*' ./main
example: trace all functions like main.add* or main.minus*:
ftrace -u 'main.add*' -u 'main.minus*' ./main
example: trace a specific function and include runtime.chan* builtins:
ftrace -u 'main.add' -u 'runtime.chan*' ./main
example: trace a specific method of specific type:
ftrace -u 'main.(*Student).String ./main
Trace functions and arguments
Check examples/trace_funcs_arguments
, try following tracing tests:
example: trace a specific method of specific type, and fetch its receiver argument:
ftrace -u 'main.(*Student).String' ./main \
'main.(*Student).String(s.name=(*+0(%ax)):c64, s.name.len=(+8(%ax)):s64, s.age=(+16(%ax)):s64)'
example: trace a specific method of specific type, and fetch its arguments list:
ftrace -u 'main.(*Student).BuyBook' ./main \
'main.(*Student).BuyBook(s.book=(+0(%bx)):c128, s.book.len=(%cx):s64, s.num=(%di):s64)'
is provided, you can runmake <target>
to quickly test it.And tracing by ftrace can be done either before or after launching ./main, both approaches will work.
Method 1
install into your $GOBIN or $GOPATH/bin, please add $GOBIN, $GOPATH/bin to your PATH
go install github.com/hitzhangjie/go-ftrace/cmd/ftrace@latest
bpf tool require special permission, so we need run ftrace as root, like sudo ftrace ...
and we must make sure ftrace is searchable by sudo, so link it to the searchpath by sudo
sudo ln -s ~/go/bin/ftrace /usr/sbin/
then we can run it with sudo:
sudo ftrace -u 'go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3/concurrency.(*Mutex).tryAcquire' ./a.out
Method 2
Also, Makefile
is provided, run make && make install
is enough.
Use cases
- Wall time profiling;
- Execution flow observing;
Here's an example when tracing examples/main.go
, here's the code snippet:
func main() {
for {
func doSomething() {
add(1, 2)
minus(1, 2)
s := &Student{"zhang", 100}
fmt.Printf("student: %s\n", s)
if we want to observing the details of doSomething
, we can trace like ths:
sudo ftrace -u 'main.*' -u 'fmt.Print*' ./main \
'main.(*Student).String(s.name=(*+0(%ax)):c64, s.name.len=(+8(%ax)):s64, s.age=(+16(%ax)):s64)'
ftrace will output the details:
$ sudo ftrace -u 'main.*' -u 'fmt.Print*' ./main 'main.(*Student).String(s.name=(*+0(%ax)):c64, s.name.len=(+8(%ax)):s64, s.age=(+16(%ax)):s64)'
WARN[0000] skip main.main, failed to get ret offsets: no ret offsets
found 14 uprobes, large number of uprobes (>1000) need long time for attaching and detaching, continue? [Y/n]
>>> press `y` to continue
add arg rule at 47cc40: {Type:1 Reg:0 Size:8 Length:1 Offsets:[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] Deference:[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]}
add arg rule at 47cc40: {Type:1 Reg:0 Size:8 Length:1 Offsets:[8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] Deference:[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]}
add arg rule at 47cc40: {Type:1 Reg:0 Size:8 Length:1 Offsets:[16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] Deference:[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]}
INFO[0002] start tracing
🔬 You can inspect all nested function calls, when and where started or finished
23 17:11:00.0890 main.doSomething() { main.main+15 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:10
23 17:11:00.0890 main.add() { main.doSomething+37 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:15
23 17:11:00.0890 main.add1() { main.add+149 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:27
23 17:11:00.0890 main.add3() { main.add1+149 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:40
23 17:11:00.0890 000.0000 } main.add3+148 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:46
23 17:11:00.0890 000.0000 } main.add1+154 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:33
23 17:11:00.0890 000.0001 } main.add+154 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:27
23 17:11:00.0890 main.minus() { main.doSomething+52 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:16
23 17:11:00.0890 000.0000 } main.minus+3 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:51
🔍 Here, member fields of function receiver extracted, receiver is the 1st argument actually.
23 17:11:00.0891 main.(*Student).String(s.name=zhang<ni, s.name.len=5, s.age=100) { fmt.(*pp).handleMethods+690 /opt/go/src/fmt/print.go:673
23 17:11:00.0891 000.0000 } main.(*Student).String+138 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:64
23 17:11:01.0895 001.0005 } main.doSomething+180 /home/zhangjie/github/go-ftrace/examples/main.go:22
⏱️ Here, timecost is displayed at the end of the function call
>>> press `Ctrl+C` to quit.
INFO[0007] start detaching
detaching 16/16
Design & Implemention
If you're interested in the implmention internals, please read: go-ftrace internals.
This repo is forked from jschwinger233/gofuncgraph, with some modifications to improve usability and fix the bugs of fetching arguments.
Thanks for the original work!
ps:if you want to know more about go-ftrace alternatives to C, C++, Rust and Python, or kernel ftrace tool, you can see:
- namhyung/uftrace, https://github.com/namhyung/uftrace
- kernel ftrace, https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.17/trace/ftrace.html