
Results 41 comments of hitzhangjie

Could someone provides an example about how to work around this problem? I want to watch the generated folders and files underneath by some tools.

@montaguegabe Thank you very much.

I update golang to go1.14 in Dockerfile: ``` FROM ${a-centos-based-image} MAINTAINER hitzhangjie USER root # Add gophernotes ADD . /root/go/src/github.com/gopherdata/gophernotes ADD . /assets/copr.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ # Install Jupyter and gophernotes RUN...

@knqyf263 Please review this PR. Thanks.

@knqyf263 Hi, could you take a little time to review this PR? I think this PR will solve the issue that some people encountered and suggested.

For example, I want to search both Chinese and English words, like '码农' or 'AST' which appears in markdown file. Let me show an example here to reproduce the problem....

I used Goland for many years before I use VSCode. I think to list the go module dependencies and standard library is very useful features.

could we do this in another way. 1. we create a codetour discussion in main.go:9 2. we allow some shortcut like 'f8' to trigger following action - check the codetour,...