You can just call dm.MarshalJSON or dm.MarshalJSONPB.
I found a similar issue: https://github.com/jhump/protoreflect/issues/400.
This may be caused by the protobuf specification: https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/6912.
change int64 to int32 instead, or use json.Marshal instead of jsonpb.Marshal.
Hi, do we have a complete example to show how to use the `opentracing api`? I referenced this article : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/go/1.x/opentracing.html. Still a little confused.
@axw I have read the Elastic APM documentation, and solved my problem. I'll learn OpenTelemetry. Thank you.
I come across the same problem, I use following method to solve this problem: ```bash docker build --platform=linux/arm64 .... docker run --platform=linux/arm64 ... ```
To run 'p os.Args' at breakpoint 'main.main' may meet your needs. @llhuii
I need this feature, and I am trying to implement this. Now I have a problem to solve. Following is my testing: ```bash $ dlv debug main.go Type 'help' for...
@komuw Thanks for your sharing, I'm willing to learn your code later...and contribute this.