> mean to manage multiple engines at the same time with the same operator. Postgres_1, Postgres_2, AWS_RDS_1, AWS_RDS_2, ... into the same operator instance. I have multiple concerns for this...
The operator can be configured to watch specific namespace for CRs. Secrets with credentials are created in the same namespace that CR is created, it does not depend on the...
> I've understood that. The problem isn't here. The problem appears when you don't know the list of namespaces. For some cases, developers can create their namespaces with random names...
The CRD looks ok, so just to be on the same page: what will it do exactly? How will this work with the credentials to multiple postgres servers/clusters? Also, what...
Any updates on this?
Hi, yeah, I'll do it sometime this month.
Well, I did not have bandwidth until now. I'm working on releasing v0.4.3 to operator hub. This project was on a back burner for some time and before I can...
Hi, I'm happy to review the PRs from time to time, but do not have enough time to spare for doing the work myself for now.
I still have not looked into it. I'm searching for maintainers that would help with this operator but so far was unable to find anyone willing to help for free....
Whoa! This is a massive PR in a positive way. I'll try to allocate some time this week for review and build it locally. Thanks!