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A demo app for the new Android N notification features
A sample app demoing the awesome new Android N notification features. Simply hit a button on the main screen and the desired notification will appear!
#Notification Demos
In this application you can demo notifications for:
Standard Notifications
Standard system notifications using the new templates used in Android N.
Bundled Notifications
Bundled notifications that appear grouped when a group ID has been set for each notification.
We can also display actions for notifications that are bundled.
Heads Up Notifications
Heads-up notifications appear above the users current activity, provided the screen is on. As of andorid N, we can now use custom layouts for these notifications.
Direct Reply Notification
Direct-reply notifications allow us to provide user input from a notification. We can then retrieve this input from the launched intent.
Custom View Notifications
We can now use custom views for notifications as of Android N. These can be for both collapsed and expanded notification layouts:
To compile and run the project you'll need:
- Android SDK.
- Android N (API 24) .
- Android SDK Tools
- Android SDK Build tools 24.0.0 rc1
- Android Support Repository
- Android Support libraries
- JDK 8
To build, install and run a debug version, run this from the root of the project:
./gradlew assembleDebug