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:popcorn::v: [APP] Movies and TV Shows App powered by TMDb - In progress
PopCorn2 is an attempt to re-write the actual PopCorn app with a clean articheture and latest 2020 tech stack.
This is how it will look...
:warning::exclamation::warning: Currently under Heavy Development :warning::exclamation::warning:
Tech stack
- [x] AndroidX
- [x] Kotlin Coroutines
- [x] Navigation Library with Safe Args
- [x] Paging Library
- [x] Room Persistance Library
- [x] MVVM with Use Cases and Repository
- [x] Koin
- [x] Retrofit
- [x] Moshi
- [x] Coil
- [x] Stetho
- [ ] jUnit
- [ ] Jacoco
- [ ] RoboElectric
- [ ] Espresso
- [ ] Mock Web Server
- [x] MoviesFragment
- [ ] TVShowsFragment
- [ ] FavoriteFragment
- [x] ViewAllMoviesFragment
- [ ] ViewAllTVShowsFragment
- [x] Implement ViewAllMoviesFragment
- [ ] Writing test cases for MoviesFragment (unit + ui)
- [ ] Writing test cases for ViewAllMoviesFragment (unit + ui)