ImageSteganography icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ImageSteganography copied to clipboard

:closed_lock_with_key:ㅤA C++ program for Image Steganography

Image Steganography

A command-line interface based program for Image Steganography.
It uses Least Significant Bit(LSB) algorithm for Image Steganography.


  1. Install Open-CV : Make sure that latest version of Open-CV is installed on your machine. Refer this repository for installation.

  2. Compile the program :

$ cd ImageSteganography
$ chmod +x make_encode
$ chmod +x make_decode
$ ./make_encode
$ ./make_decode

Running the Program

  1. Place your normal .png image in the Images directory.
  2. Place your .txt file with the secret message in TextFiles directory.
  3. How to Encode the message
$ ./encode Images/input_image.png TextFiles/text_file.txt Images/output_image.png

A new image will be created in your Images directory with the secret message hidden in it.

  1. How to Decode the message
$ ./decode Images/output_image.png

The hidden message will be displayed on your console.

See in Action

YouTube Video