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Collection of coursework I've done from Colt Steele's Udemy Web Development course
The Web Developer Bootcamp
Colt Steele's Udemy Course
Collection of coursework I've done from Colt Steele's Udemy Web Development course
- Color Game
- To-Do List
- Patatap Clone
- YelpCamp
- RESTful Blog
##Concepts & Exercises
- Pokemon Data Tables exercise
- CSS Selector exercise
- Tic Tac Toe Grid CSS exercise
- Photo Grid CSS exercise
- Photo Grid Bootstrap exercise
- Blog Post CSS exercise
- Landing Page Bootstrap exercise
###Javascript Many solutions to the exercises can be seen by opening the browser console
- Prompt Exercise using prompt() and console.log()
- For Loop Exercises
- While Loop Exercises
- Using Functions Problem Set
- Todo List using Arrays
- Array Problem Set
- Movie Database, practice with creating Objects
####Interacting with the DOM
- Intro to Selectors (.getElementById, .getElementByTagName, .querySelector, etc.)
- Selector Exercise
- Adding Listeners (.addElementListener)
- Score Keeper, using .addEventListener, reviewing typecasting, selectors
- Selector Exercise
- jQuery Methods
###Node.js Instead of using C9 as Colt recommended, I create my projects locally
- Intro to the Command Line
- Intro to NPM (using simple npm packages catMe & faker)
- Intro to Express
- Routes, .get, response (res) and request (req)
- Using CSS stylesheets, Partials, app.use (to serve other directories in the project), and app.set (set root folder and set default template file extension)