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Add Acer Aspire VX5-591G-54PG config
After investigating with ec-probe I managed to find the following: dec 189 / hex 0xDB => EC register responsible for the fan mode. dec 82 / hex 52 => default fan mode (aka fan off). any other value => full speed.
The only problem is that the fan takes 30 seconds to start spinning and more 30 seconds to reach full speed, I don't know if there are any other values that would make the fan start faster or go to full speed faster. I didn't investigate all possible values.
Thank you very much for your effort!
Unfortunately I can't merge this PR in the current state because 30 seconds for the fan to start spinning is just too long.
I will keep this PR open so others can manually download it for further investigation.
What fungoy said is what I've done with RW Eveeything. In the EC tab, changing the 189th value to 4E makes the fan run full speed (30sec spool up) and setting to 52 defaults. Not sure what code represents the in between states
From my understanding the fan either is at full speed or off. So anything but 52 would make the fan spins.. and the build up seems to be something we can't change.. but I'm not entirely sure.
i've seen a video in portuguese saying that Acer Aspire VX5 woks with Acer V3-571G config. Try that. =) The refereed video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2eoWrpZwcI&vl=en.
Acer Nitro 5 works with Acer Predator Helios 300 G3-572 config.
Здравствуйте можете сделать конфигурацию для модели Аcer Timeline X4830. за ранее спасибо.
Any new news? 🤔
No news. I'm not investigating anymore as it already fulfill my needs. On top of that, the fan taking 30s to get to full speed is not something I could find a solution when I was testing with ec-probe.
Any new news?
Please help, how do i control my fan speed on ACER VX15, this app should help, but just works with 0 and 100%
Edit1: I cant even know what is actual fan speed