Hiroyuki Sato

Results 165 comments of Hiroyuki Sato

ちょっと考えてみました。 - Specify multiple Keywords - Need length value. - Unlimited keyword size Japanese - 私が使うとしたらキーワードを複数指定するような気がします。 "A" or "B" - そうすると、開始位置の他に、文字列の長さがあると良いように思います。 - 指定できるキーワードの上限が多い方がいいです。

(個人の感想です) - `match_positions_byte`は単位がバイトとついていてわかりやすいと思います。 - localtionよりもpositionの方がいいような、、、(なんとなく) - match_positions_byteだったら、結果もpositionの方が良いような、、 ``` json [ { "position": 3, "length": 2 }, { "position": 7, "length": 3 } ] ```

Hello, @youssefqarri I asked a similar question a few weeks ago. [[IMPORTANT] phpList translations](https://discuss.phplist.org/t/important-phplist-translations/6335) may help

Hello, @cmdares Could you ask a plugin usage on [a plugin page](http://github.com/embulk/embulk-input-jdbc)? embulk-input-jdbc (include Oracle) always use one task. Not parallelize now.

@kamatama41 I found the typo. Embulk 0.9.5 -> Embulk 0.9.15 I would like to know `bob`'s data in the first case. It that the following? ```json {"id": 1, "name": "Alice"}...

@kamatama41 I recommend you post this feedback request to embulk-announce.

Hello, @oirik Thank you for your reporting. Do you use GCE? It seems that this issue is GCE specific

Hello, @oirik Thanks, do you use docker on your environment? Probably, this issue relates to JRuby. embulk-output-bigquery is the only plugin that uses JRuby in your enviroment.

Hello, @oirik Could you double-check about your case? This error happened during `embulk run` correct? There are many embulk-output-bigquery users. I've never heard that this(original issue)error happened non-GCP users until...

I confirmed @takashiyamazaki that GEM_HOME set to `{bundle_dir}/jruby/{version}` using ECS task-def environment feature. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/__sotaron__/status/1261890687475187712) Japanese.