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The 'NAG' submode in sgd_cm.m
Hi @hiroyuki-kasai ,
Thanks for publishing this project. This looks great and I would like do some research with this toolbox.
My trouble is in the sgd_cm.m. It looks like containing two momentum schemes, the classic one ('CM') and the Nesterov's ('NAG'), but in the current implementain, they seem to differ only in the setting of the momentum coefficient. See lines 78, 80, and 82.
In my impression NAG should 'look one step ahead' before the gradient calculation, but in the code, the gradient is evaluated just in the current point. This seems to be inconsistent to the original paper. See equations 3 and 4 in Ilya Sutskever, James Martens, George Dahl and Geoffrey Hinton, "On the importance of initialization and momentum in deep learning," ICML, 2013.
Thank you!
Dear Xiaoyu He,
I really thank you for your email. If possible, please share the correct code with me. Let me check it out.
Dear Hiroyuki KASAI ,
Thanks for this reply.
Please see the code below.
function [w, infos] = sgd_hxy(problem, in_opts)
% set dimensions and samples
d = problem.dim();
n = problem.samples();
% set local options
local_opts.sub_mode = 'Nesterov'; = 0.99;
local_opts.epsilon = 1e-4;
local_opts.mu_max = 0.99;
% merge options
opts = mergeOptions(get_default_options(d), local_opts);
opts = mergeOptions(opts, in_opts);
% counters
iters = 0; % index of mini-batch processing
epoch = 0; % index of epochs
grad_calc_count = 0; % number of gradient evaluation
w = opts.w_init; % initial variable
v = zeros(size(w));
% store first infos
clear infos;
[infos, f_val, optgap] = store_infos(problem, w, opts, [], epoch, grad_calc_count, 0);
% display infos
if opts.verbose > 0
fprintf('SGD: Epoch = %03d, cost = %.16e, optgap = %.4e\n', epoch, f_val, optgap);
% set start time
start_time = tic();
% main loop
while (optgap > opts.tol_optgap) && (epoch < opts.max_epoch)
% re-permute in each epoch
if opts.permute_on
perm_idx = randperm(n);
perm_idx = 1:n;
for j = 1 : floor(n / opts.batch_size)
% mini-batch
indice_j = (j-1) * opts.batch_size + (1:opts.batch_size);
indice_j = perm_idx(indice_j);
grad_calc_count = grad_calc_count + opts.batch_size;
if strcmp(opts.sub_mode, 'none') % standard SGD
grad = problem.grad(w, indice_j); % evaluate at current step
ss = opts.stepsizefun(iters, opts);
v = - ss * grad;
elseif strcmp(opts.sub_mode, 'classic')
grad = problem.grad(w, indice_j); % evaluate at current step
v = * v - opts.epsilon * grad;
elseif strcmp(opts.sub_mode, 'Nesterov')
mu_ = min(1 - 2 ^ (-1-log2(floor(iters/250)+1)),opts.mu_max);
grad = problem.grad(w + mu_ * v, indice_j); % evaluate at the next step
v = mu_ * v - opts.epsilon * grad; % and then correct
% descent
w = w + v;
% % proximal operator
% if ismethod(problem, 'prox')
% w = problem.prox(w, ss);
% end
iters = iters + 1;
% measure elapsed time
elapsed_time = toc(start_time);
% count gradient evaluations
epoch = epoch + 1;
% store infos
[infos, f_val, optgap] = store_infos(problem, w, opts, infos, epoch, grad_calc_count, elapsed_time);
% display infos
if opts.verbose > 0
fprintf('SGD: Epoch = %03d, cost = %.16e, optgap = %.4e\n', epoch, f_val, optgap);
if optgap < opts.tol_optgap
fprintf('Optimality gap tolerance reached: tol_optgap = %g\n', opts.tol_optgap);
elseif epoch == opts.max_epoch
fprintf('Max epoch reached: max_epoch = %g\n', opts.max_epoch);
Dear Xiaoyu He,
I appreciate your support. Let me check your code. It takes some times, although, due to the preparation of my online lectures in my university for the current crisis.
Best regards,