HKVideoRangeSlider icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HKVideoRangeSlider copied to clipboard

A multitrack range slider for trimming videos. (swift 5)

🎞 HKVideoRangeSlider

Pods Version Platforms Carthage Compatible

iOS video range slider for trimming it, supporting multiple tracks.

💘 Features

  • [x] Scrollable thumbnails
  • [x] Support multiple video tracks
  • [x] Includes position indicator
  • [x] Support portlait & landscape, and device rotation
  • [x] Customize appearances

🗒 Requirements

HKVideoRangeSlider is written in Swift 5. Compatible with iOS 11.0+

📥 Installation


HKVideoRangeSlider is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'HKVideoRangeSlider'


For Carthage, add the following to your Cartfile:

github "hirohitokato/HKVideoRangeSlider"

🚀 Getting Started

// Instantiate an object.
// (If you use a storyboard, locate UIView and change the class to HKVideoRangeSlider)
videoRangeSlider = HKVideoRangeSlider(frame: someRect)

// Set delegate object to receive events from slider.
videoRangeSlider.delegate = self

// Prepare AVAsset objects to show.
let url1 = URL(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "video1", ofType:"mp4")!)
let url2 = URL(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "video2", ofType:"mp4")!)
let url3 = URL(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "video3", ofType:"mp4")!)

// Construct tracks information by using HKAssetInputData.
let assets = [
    HKAssetInputData(asset: AVURLAsset(url: url1)),
    HKAssetInputData(asset: AVURLAsset(url: url2)),
    HKAssetInputData(asset: AVURLAsset(url: url3), startTime: 20, duration: 18) // you can set initial range.

// Set & display video range view

🤲 Usage

🖼 Place HKVideoRangeSlider

via storyboard (or xib)

  1. put UIView to view.
  2. Change the class from UIView to HKVideoRangeSlider.
  3. Customize its appearance.
  4. Connect the outlet to its view controller.

via code

let videoRangeSlider = HKVideoRangeSlider(frame: targetFrame)


🎞 Show tracks & other controls

To display video tracks, just set the track information via setAssetData(_:) method with an array of HKAssetInputData.

// Create an array of contents.
let assets = [
    HKAssetInputData(asset: AVURLAsset(url: videoUrl1)),
    HKAssetInputData(asset: AVURLAsset(url: videoUrl2)),
    // you can set initial range settings.
    HKAssetInputData(asset: AVURLAsset(url: videoUrl3), startTime: 20, duration: 18)

// Display video range view

You also can force redraw the tracks as follows.


To remove assets, just set empty assets to range slider. The slider clears all contents and hide all UI.

// To clear the contents, just set empty assets to range slider.

🎮 Control HKVideoRangeSlider

🕹 Main slider

To set the scroll position of whole contents, use mainSliderValue property with 0.0 - 1.0 value.

// Scroll to the center.
videoRangeSlider.mainSliderValue = 0.5

🕹 Progress indicator

To set a current position of the progress indicator, use setProgress(rate:animated:) method, with 0.0 - 1.0.

// Reset the progress. 
videoRangeSlider.setProgress(rate: 0.0, animated: true)

🔌 Receive events

To receive events, set delegate object to delegate property. The object must adopt the HKVideoRangeSliderDelegate protocol.

videoRangeSlider.delegate = self

⚡️ Changed the range status

func didChangeRangeData(rangeSlider: HKVideoRangeSlider, ranges: [HKVideoRange])

Tells the delegate when the user scrolls one of the tracks, or drags the start or end slider. This is optional.

Parameters are as follows:

name description
rangeSlider The slider object in which the event occurred.
ranges The array of current range status of all tracks.

The delegate typically implements this method to obtain the change in range data.

⚡️ Changed the indicator position

func didChangeIndicatorPosition(rangeSlider: HKVideoRangeSlider, positions: [HKVideoPosition], rate: Double)

Tells the delegate when the user drags the progress indicator. This is optional.

Parameters are as follows:

name description
rangeSlider The slider object in which the event occurred.
positions The array of current positions of all tracks, indicated by the progress indicator.
rate 0.0-1.0 value as the position of the progress indicator.

🛠 Customize

🏃‍♀️ Behavior

▶ Maximum/minimum range(in seconds)

To limit the range, use maxDuration and minDuration properties.

// Limit the range to 10 - 180 seconds.
videoRangeSlider.maxDuration = 180.0
videoRangeSlider.minDuration = 10

The default values are 3600 and 2 (seconds).

🎨 Appearance

▶ Change the color of start/end indicator & the scroll knob color


Use tintColor and startEndSliderDimpleColor property.

videoRangeSlider.tintColor = .systemYellow
videoRangeSlider.startEndSliderDimpleColor = .darkGray
▶ Use an original image as slider.

Use startEndSliderImage property.

videoRangeSlider.startEndSliderImage = UIImage(named: "mySlider")

If you set nil, HKVideoRangeSlider uses default image.

HKVideoRangeSlider uses the rightmost / leftmost side as the position for indicating start and end position.

Furthermore, you can show / hide borders laid between start / end slider by using isStartEndBorderHidden property.

// Hide borders between start / end slider
videoRangeSlider.isStartEndBorderHidden = true

💪 Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

🖋 Author

Kato Hirohito, twitter account is hkato193.

📜 License

HKVideoRangeSlider is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.