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A simple jest / jasmine addon that helps you write 'Single-Action Tests' with a "given / when / then" structure.

(jasmine | jest)-single Monorepo

All Contributors


This repository contains the's versions of:

Project Status Description
@hirez_io/jest-single @hirez_io/jest-single-status Jest addon that adds the "given when then" syntax
@hirez_io/jasmine-single @hirez_io/jasmine-single-status Jasmine addon that adds the "given when then" syntax
@hirez_io/karma-jasmine-single @hirez_io/karma-jasmine-single-status Karma plugin for @hirez_io/jasmine-single


Want to contribute? Yayy! 🎉

Please read and follow our Contributing Guidelines to learn what are the right steps to take before contributing your time, effort and code.

Thanks 🙏

Code Of Conduct

Be kind to each other and please read our code of conduct.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Shai Reznik
Shai Reznik

💻 📖 🤔 🚇 🚧 🧑‍🏫 👀 ⚠️
Maarten Tibau
Maarten Tibau

📖 🚇
Benjamin Gruenbaum
Benjamin Gruenbaum

💻 🤔 🚧

💻 🚧

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!



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