I m still feeling that we should make a version of the IResolver function that does not check the validity of a strategy. Things that will be depreceated and then...
update: They are currently considering my issue. They mentioned parso too https://parso.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html This PR is on hold until they either decline the implementation of comments back via some unparse function...
Update: they are working on an update which includes round-trip with comments. Appears there are many edge cases which have to be worked around, meaning it will take some time.
yes there is https://github.com/t3rn0/ast-comments/issues/6
update: ast_comments looks nicely now Ast itself on the other hand does change the logic internally from if elif elif to if else if This is only happening once and...
the aim for this weekend is that I can provide you a workable version that could be tested. Found 1-2 things that still needs patching, then others could test out...
if there are things missing that still don't get replaced properly I d need to get directions which. if you need me to do something to move this into a...
since we can't use astor anymore (which is a wrapper of ast, as ast_comments is) and it has the pretty code option it will be ugly at first now. We...
yes, on it :) just an explanation why things would not be possible with ast_comments but were with astor. Doesnt hurt the code itself it will still be working. Currently...
all changes currently have been locally integrated. will check the functionality today and push