If it works with OBS, it should work with AkVirtualCamera. Thanks, I'll check it when I've some time.
There is not any reason why other virtual cameras should stop working when installing AkVirtualCamera. Try this: - Install Snap Camera and show me the output of ```ls /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL``` -...
Which programs did you tested? also, if the app is listed, it means that the plugin was loaded by the app, maybe you forgot to configure something.
I was looking all information about NSXPCConnection, and did not found any evidence that using the CoreFoudation libraries instead of libxpc makes any difference, libxpc hasn't been deprecated, and libxpc...
>The problem is that debugging is very hard because the plugin cannot write to a log file in (/tmp) nor send debug XPC messages to the server. You can debug...
Running QuickTime from terminal throw some messages?
I re-opened the issue because you said it was working with the other virtual camera. I'm right now quite busy working with Webcamoid, I won't come back to this issue...
Ok, then the idea would be reading the preferences from the service, similar to what I did with the DirectShow plugin.
I haven't tested it in Windows, but the most probable reason is because the emulator does not supports DirectShow filters, if that's the case I can't do nothing for now.
The delay is because the plugin needs to convert the source frame to the destination frame, the higher the resolution of the frame, the slowest it will get.