jqiphoneslide copied to clipboard
jQuery iPhone slider plugin
New Project
Rewrite with CoffeeScript and fixed some issue about mobile devices.
UPDATE, v0.75.1
Bug fixed.
UPDATE, v0.75
FIXED: Use <a>
, <input>
and <button>
Tags in the slide working fine on the mobile device, tested in iPhone 4/4S with Safari.
If you use the <a>
tag, it will open new window to show the website/webpage. If you use the <input>
or <button>
, you must bind the click
event on your element, it will trigger the click
event when user click the button on the slide.
Buy me a beer :-P
DEMO: Live Demo
UPDATE, v0.7
Update to v0.7, merge new functions from Adam Chow.
- autoplay
- autogenerated pager
- make banner link clickable
Known Issue:
Fixed: When you bind the multiple selectors, the auto play function maybe failed in the pager switcher.
// Page items handler, default: the first child of the $('album').
handler: null,
// Pages handler, default: the children of the handler.
pageHandler : null,
// Drag area handler, default: full page area.
slideHandler : null,
// You can define an element to handle this event(default: click) slide to next page.
nextPageHandler : '.nextPage',
// You can define an element to handle this event(default: click) slide to previous page.
prevPageHandler : '.prevPage',
// The friction of slide page.
friction : 0.325,
// When drag&drop page, the point length must be larger than this value which event will be fire.
sensitivity : 20,
// Slow down the page shift speed(ms).
extrashift : 500,
// If drag&drop over this time(ms), there will always slide 1 page.
touchduring : 800,
// Direction of slide, there are three directions you can choose(horizontal, vertical and matrix).
direction : 'horizontal',
// Max slide page.
maxShiftPage : 5,
// It's only for dynamic page(s).
pageshowfilter : false,
// Support jquery easing plugin, via http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
easing: "swing",
// Turn on/off default animate effect "bounce".
bounce: true,
autoPlay: false,
cancelAutoPlayOnResize: true,
autoCreatePager: false,
pager: {
pagerType: "dot",
selectorName: ".banner_pager",
childrenOnClass: "on",
slideToAnimated: true
autoPlayTime: 3000,
// When slide page completed, fire this.
onShiftComplete : function(elem, page) {
// this is parent of the handler.
// elem is nowPage's page item.
// page is "nowPage".
Change Log
UPDATE, v0.6
Fixed all events to work fine on jQuery 1.4+ ~ 1.7pre. Also I known the iPad/iPhone issue (maybe other mobile devices), but I have no device to test :-P.
UPDATE, v0.56.
Fixed/Modified click event. When click and no drag action that will fire click event and return true for it. So, you can use a tag in the pages.
UPDATE, v0.55.
Modified method. ".jqipslide2page" to .iphoneSlide("jqipslide2page", args), ".jqipblank2page" to .iphoneSlide("jqipblank2page", args), see the demo.html for more detail.
UPDATE, v0.54.
Add slide2page and blank2page. You can use ".jqipslide2page" to sliding the box to page, ".jqipblank2page" to add HTML-Code page in the box. See the demo.html for more detail.
UPDATE, v0.53.
Modified/Fixed next/prev page handler.
UPDATE, v0.52.
Fixed some event issue usr Namespace.
UPDATE, v0.51.
Add new setting "bounce" that you can turn on/off the default animate bounce effect.