make_lastz_chains copied to clipboard
The number of tasks submitted by SLURM exceeded the limit
Hello, professor
I was running the pipeline to align my genome assemblies with mm10 genome via slurm: ./ target query mm10.fasta Bsu.softmask.fasta --pd mm-Bsu -f --chaining_memory 30 --cluster_queue pNormal --executor slurm --nextflow_executable /data/01/user157/software/bin/nextflow
and I encounter an error after running the command for several minnites:
[fe/5bafab] NOTE: Error submitting process 'execute_jobs (206)' for execution -- Execution is retried (3)
[ff/d8223b] NOTE: Error submitting process 'execute_jobs (212)' for execution -- Execution is retried (3)
[4a/34ad45] NOTE: Error submitting process 'execute_jobs (209)' for execution -- Execution is retried (3)
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'execute_jobs (91)'
Caused by:
Failed to submit process to grid scheduler for execution Command executed:
sbatch Command exit status:
Command output:
sbatch: error: QOSMaxSubmitJobPerUserLimit
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Job violates accounting/QOS policy (job submit limit, user's size and/or time limits)
Work dir:
Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`
-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
The error is because our server limits the maximum number of submitted tasks per person to 100 and I find the default chunk size will generated 1955 jobs, which is well over 100 limited jobs.
Thus, I attempted to increase the chunk size like this:
./ target query mm10.fasta Bsu.softmask.fasta --pd mm-Bsu -f --chaining_memory 30 --cluster_queue pNormal --executor slurm --nextflow_executable /data/01/user157/software/bin/nextflow --seq1_chunk 500000000 --seq2_chunk 500000000
. However, this still generated 270 jobs as following.
This is unbelievable. I checked and found that when the number of scaffolds is too much, up to 100 scaffolds are put in a chunk for comparison, even though they don't add up to the chunk size. I don't know what's going on here.
Anyway, I think there should exist the method, without increasing the chunk size (as I understand that increasing the chunk size would increases the runtime), that allow me to submit multiple lines command per task, which would guarantee that I would complete 1955 commands with less than 100 tasks submitted!
Looking forward with your suggestions!
Best wishes!
Na Wan