Hillary Fraley
Hillary Fraley
Follow up on rework: https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C0254420A1Y/p1646074633384069
Follow up on rework: https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C0254420A1Y/p1656010862419349
This issue references the [remediation handler plugin](https://github.com/sensu/sensu-remediation-handler)
We will highlight the remediation pattern in a guide. This belongs under the Handlers section in the Pipeline section in the new docs IA. In addition, we should develop an...
Create a "patterns" sub-category in the observability pipeline category in the docs? - Remediation handlers (Ansible, Rundeck, etc) - De-registration - Discovery: https://github.com/sensu/sensu-docs/issues/976 - Others from monitoring-pipelines?
Is https://github.com/sensu/sensu-go/tree/main/cmd/loadit different from https://github.com/sensu/sensu-perf? edit: answer is yes
Asked about plans to doc loadit in slack: https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C024XK35Z3Q/p1643998797236589
Followed up: https://sumologic.slack.com/archives/C024XK35Z3Q/p1645035903801439