Below is also an option. ```typescript import postgres from "postgres"; import PostgresAdapter from "@auth/pg-adapter"; const sql = postgres({}); function createPgWrapper(sqlClient: postgres.Sql) { return { async query(queryString: string, params: any[]) {...
Did you ever solve this? I'm getting the same thing.
@ianschmitz How does this compare to the method you used?
@ndom91 Here is a demo: https://github.com/hillac/authjs-fastify-demo I'm not 100% if I've done the auth decorator in the idiomatic way, but it works for me. I'm on node 20.9.0. Also, as...
Should we register @fastify/formbody in the plugin, and include it as a peer dependency? This would make setup easier.
> Yeah so this is to auto-parse `x-www-form-urlencoded` bodies correctly, right? Yep > I figure since this is an authentication library backend, folks will be pointing forms (username / password,...
I think it's ready, just waiting for a review I guess.
The information in the getting started pages seems kind of redundant to the information already in the api reference page.
Ok, everything's ready
Is anything else needed to get this through?